The rules of driving in Melbourne CBD is a bit more complicated for the newly-arrived drivers. In addition to the rules we discussed in the previous post - "driving in Melbourne", you will need to be familiar with these rules where you normally will not see in other area of Melbourne.
Below is a map of the CBD area.
在墨尔本市中心驾驶车辆的规则对于新来到的驾驶员来说会有一些复杂。除了我们之前一篇文章 - "在墨尔本驾车/自驾"的介绍,你还需要对这些通常在墨尔本其他区域见不到的规则有一个认识,以下为墨尔本市区区域的一个地图。
1. Speed Limit (Usually 40 km/h)
When you are in the CBD area, you need to follow the speed limit rules. Normally, you could not drive over 40 km/h. You will find a lot of people walking on the streets and also bicycles and trams. Sometimes you could only drive very slowly.
1. 限速 (通常为40公里/小时)
2. Right turn from left only (Black right turn sign)
In the city area, you will see some crossroads have a black turn right sign with the word "turn right on left". You would wondering what it means. It is a bit difficult for those who see it the first time to understand. It simply means cars that want to make a right turn need to stay on the left lane. There is a wait zone in the middle of the road. Right turn cars need to stop in this area and wait until there is no passing or incoming cars, or sometimes wait until the orange lights start to flash, than can the car makes a right turn.
2. 只能在左侧道路右转(黑色的右转标识)
在市中心区域的一些十字路口,你会看到含“Right turn from left only"文字的黑色右转标识。你会疑问它是什么意思。第一次见到它的人会有一些难理解。它其实很简单,它意味着想要右转的车辆需要行驶在左侧车道。马路中间会有一个停留区域。右转车辆需要在这个区域停留,直至后方及对面方向没有来车或等到黄灯开始闪烁时才可以右转。
3. Wait for passengers when turning (Be patient)
You will find many crossroads full of pedestrians crossing, and you need to be very careful when making a left/right turn. You need to let pedestrians cross the road first. Sometimes you have to wait for another traffic light to turn left/right, because the time left for you to turn could be too short after the last pedestrian finishes crossing.
3. 转弯时礼让行人(需耐心等待)
4. Follow experienced drivers (Drive and learn)
If you think the rules are too complicated in the CBD area, do not panic. Simply learn from one of your friends who have driven in CBD, or slowly follow other cars when you drive in the CBD area and be mindful. You will learn the rules while you drive, and it is not that difficult.
4. 跟随有经验的驾驶员(边驾驶边学习)